From the heart, through the court, for the community.
The Royal Grand Ducal Council of Alameda and Contra Costa County, Inc.
The Royal Grand Ducal Council of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties Incorporated was founded in 1998. We are a 501c (3) non-profit organization operating n Alameda County. Our tax ID number is 94-3293892.
“Our purpose is to raise money to be disbursed several times a year for those Charities in the County who are not heavily subsidized by other grants.”
Coronation XXXI
Founded in 1998
The Royal Grand Ducal Council of Alameda/Contra Costa County, Incorporated shall promote and assist in developing and maintaining a planned, coordinated, and efficient program to benefit the special needs of the people of Alameda/Contra Costa County. To accomplish this purpose, it shall promote social functions for the purpose of raising funds.
Board of Directors
Sister Anni Coque l’Doo
HMSH Royal Grand Duchess XXVI
HMSH Royal Grand Duke XXX
Sammy Spencer
Royal Crown Prince for Life to the 30th Reign